How to Uninstall Star Citizen

Indeed, you hardly find people who don’t love adventure, whether in the real or the virtual world. Those who have little or no chance of getting real-life adventure can take the thrilling flavor of adventure through the game. Many games are developed to provide adventure flavor. 

Among those, Star Citizen is one of them, and here you will find an imaginative and fascinating world. Interestingly, you will find both single and multiplayer modes herein. But one point worth mentioning is this game demand a high configuration PC

Some gamers become attracted through its appealing features, but their PC’s low configuration doesn’t allow them to play it. But the problem has been seen while uninstalling this game. In today’s article, we will teach you how to uninstall star citizen using some simple methods. So, let’s dive into the main discussion.

Some possible reasons behind uninstalling star citizen

Currently, we found three problems for why people usually uninstall this game.

  • Slow speed
  • The Quality of the PC
  • Low graphics 

Another reason may be can’t play properly. However, here we briefly discuss those issues.

  • Slow speed

What about the storage of your PC? Is it enough to make the game playable on PC? Typically, Star Citizen demands 65 GB of free space from the hard drive. If you can’t manage that amount, undoubtedly, you can’t run it easily. 

  • The Quality of the PC

Star Citizen currently has over 13 million players and subscribers. This demanded gamed demand the following PC specifications.

  • Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU- minimum Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000, or AMD Ryzen 5 1600.
  • Memory- minimum 16 GB
  • GPU – AMD Radeon HD 7990 or, Nvidia 3090.
  • Storage 65 GB

Without those specifications, you can’t get a blissful experience from this game. 

  • Low graphics

To get the ultimate gaming experience from the Star Citizen, you need at least any of the following graphic cards. 

  • AMD Radeon HD 7990 or,
  • Nvidia 3090

Note: Low graphic quality can’t let you play efficiently and force you to uninstall. 

4 Different Methods of uninstalling Star Citizen

How to Uninstall Star Citizen 4 Different Methods

By now, you know some of the possible reasons behind uninstalling Star Citizen. Now, we show you four different uninstall processes in the later section. 

Method No: 1 By deleting the launcher of Star Citizen 

In our first method, we delete the launcher to uninstall this game; here are the steps.

  • To begin with, the start menu needs to be opened, so click on that. 
  • The next task is to choose the control panel and click on that to open it. 
  • Once you open the control panel, you need to click on the programs. 
  • Now, a list of your existing apps will visualize on your PC screen. From that app list, you need to select the Star Citizen launcher. Then, click uninstall or add or remove programs depending on your OS.

Method No: 2 Wipeout Cloud Imperium Game

  • In the first step, you need to locate the programs menu from the control panel to open it.
  • Now, find out the Star Citizen file using the search box and then right-click on that.
  • After that, you will see the uninstall option and click on that. 

If you can’t find the file of Star Citizen, then you need to locate program files(x86) and select Cloud Imperium Game.

Once you wipe out Cloud Imperium Game, you will see all the files of star citizen become disappear automatically.

Method No: 3 By deleting the User folder

This method seems easy among our previous methods. So, let’s figure out the uninstalling process of star citizen by deleting the user folder.

  • To begin with, you need to locate the C Drive of your Windows
  • After that, select the program file on there and then double click to open the user folder and delete that.

Method No: 4 By Deleting RSI launcher

If your issue doesn’t solve out after applying the above methods, you can use this one. Sometimes, the user may face difficulty to delete Star Citizen Game. In that case, deleting the RSI launcher will be an effective method. 

Firstly, follow the methods to store the Custom Files

If you have custom files, use the following techniques to save those. 

  • At first, locate the Program Files, and here you will find Robbert space industries so, click on it.
  • Now, you need to open the Star citizen by double-click and then choose Live.
  • Next, the Live Folder will open, and your task is to follow the path

Users => Controls => Mapping. 

  • After that, you need to copy those custom files and then paste them into a new folder. 

Once you save all the custom files, now go through the following steps to detect all files. 

  • To begin with, you need to right-click on the icon of your windows and then open Run.
  • Now, type %appdata% on there and click Ok to open the User folder.
  • Next, follow the following path:

            Current profiles => AppData => Roaming

  • After that, you can locate the folder named RSI launcher, so delete that. 
  • Now, come back and click the windows icon, then click on the Run to open it. Once you open the Run, you need to type %localappdata% and then click Ok. 
  • Then, a folder named Users will open, and you need to

choose Current profiles, => select AppData, => Local.

  • On there, you will find the folder named Star citizen, so delete that.
  • Afterward, to wipe out all the RSI folders, you need to open the Program Files.
  • At the final stage, finish the process by deleting the Recycle Bin.

Final Thought

Hopefully, you can understand our mentioned steps of how to uninstall star citizen. Furthermore, we hope our mentioned methods are very simple to get and follow. However, please leave that in the comment section if you can’t figure out anything from here.